Be-Safe - Reliable design of industrial power systems with uncertain input data
Objective of the project
To ensure a reliable energy supply, high safety margins are added to the expected maximum loads during the design phase of industrial energy supply systems and individual plants are planned redundantly. A particularly high requirement applies to energy systems with thermal demand (heating, cooling, steam), since the supply cannot be provided by external sources such as the power grid. The resulting conservative design variant is rarely efficient and leads to unnecessary costs and CO2 emissions. Nevertheless, it is used in practice because suitable tools for an individual and detailed design are missing, or because such a planning process does not pay off, especially for medium-sized companies.
The aim of the Be-Safe project is to develop methods for the optimal design of energy supply systems for industrial processes with high thermal loads based on uncertain input data and unpredictable plant failures. The methods are to generate valid thermal load profiles for a power system individually from small and incomplete data sets. Based on these load profiles, the methods can be used to evaluate and mathematically optimize the supply reliability of a power system.
Energy system / production system diagram

Uncertainties in the expected demand are to be systematically taken into account in the optimization. This also enables a multi-criteria design with respect to security of supply, costs and CO2 emissions.
The methods enable planning offices, energy system operators and plant constructors to evaluate the supply security of different variants and to estimate the additional costs. Thus, thermal energy systems can be designed in a supply-secure and efficient way and unnecessary CO2 emissions of up to 6 million tons can be avoided. The methods are prototypically implemented in software demonstrators to ensure practicality.
Project partners:
- BFT Planung GmbH (consortium leader).
- TLK Energy GmbH
- E-quad Power Systems GmbH
- RWTH Aachen University-Department for Technical Thermodynamics (RWTH-LTT)
- Society for the Promotion of Applied Computer Science e. V.
Project data:
- Funding: BMBF/KMU-innovativ
- Duration: 1.11.2022 - 31.10.2025
- Förderkennzeichen: 01LY2117E
- Project Management Agency: DLR-PT
Viktor Fast
Tel.: 02406 303 69 23