Power Classes
Basically, there are currently two different model types of Capstone microturbines. The C65, also available for the German market as the C50 with an electrical output of 50 kW, is ideally suited for use in local heating networks, neighborhoods, swimming pools, nursing homes, hospitals or industrial companies. The C200S, as the largest single unit, has been available on the German market since mid-2018 and represents the further development of the C200 introduced in 2008. This unit is also supplied as a cascaded unit in container-sizes of 6m-9m (30 feet) as the C400S, C600S, C800S and C1000S and serves larger consumptions.

Technical Datasheets
Our Capstone microturbines are suitable for power generation from
- Natural gas
- biogas
- Liquefied petroleum gas
- Blends with up to 30% hydrogen
- Special gases such as landfill gas, associated petroleum gas, etc.
External heat exchangers are available for all models. Since the beginning of 2009 the C1000 microturbines are in our program!
Below you can download data sheets of our microturbines.
Note: To open the data sheets you need the free Adobe Reader , which you can download here.
Product data
- CR65 (Biogas) on request